🍃Mongo gone

One thing leads to another, and now I can't connect to my data base

This all started when I wanted to connect my docker (not surprising) container to database. On the same port. I don't exactly remember what I did, but it got connected, but now I am not able to connect to the database on my local machine, it keeps throwing me CONNREFUSED on 27017

When I do a brew services list I was getting status of error.


When I opened Mongo Compass RIGHT NOW, it started working again. Agh! This life if indeed funny.

I might think it was magic (which is one of the possibilities) But it also could be all the countless times I have

  • uninstalled mongodb-community

  • reinstalled

  • run mongosh

  • run brew services start/stop mongodb-community

It is funny, because it only worked for a while, now it stopped again.

Date: 4 June 2023

This document was created at least 5 days ago, I'm not sure. Anyway what helped, is this document

Saw this man on various mongo help I encountered.

Not all heroes wear capes, some are behind a computer screen

Thank you Ramachandra Tummala. Whoever you are, you saved me.

Last updated